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Brand Values in Healthtech

Brand Values in Healthtech

One of the biggest challenges developing healthtech within an often stagnant industry is to not only create novel technology but importantly, to find special ways in which we can communicate and relate to the people we want to serve. This was one of our goals with...

Idea to Innovation: Bodii´s Product Journey

Idea to Innovation: Bodii´s Product Journey

In April 2022, Bodii was nothing more than a concept, a vision that rose from a personal experience. Check out my blog on that here. The initial concept was far from a sophisticated platform. I dreamt of a solution that would replicate the experience of having a...

From Sideline to Startup – Why I started Bodii

From Sideline to Startup – Why I started Bodii

Like many aspiring footballers I faced the same issue a lot of young athletes will go through; footballing injuries. Unfortunately over the course of the past seven years I have torn my ACL three times and have damaged other muscles around my knee twice as well. For...

The Importance of Measuring Range of Motion Early

The Importance of Measuring Range of Motion Early

  Please note that the following blog is based on a research study and is not medical advice. Our team decided to take a deep dive into the value of Range of Motion data for a patient recovering from knee operations. Primarily, this will included Total Knee...

What it means to work with the Innovation Agency

What it means to work with the Innovation Agency

Over the past few months we have started to deepen our collaboration with the AHSN - Innovation Agency to ensure we are continuously building a proposition that ultimately meets the health demands of the wider population within the United Kingdom.  There is no hiding...

Take Control Of Knee Pain Through Stretching

Take Control Of Knee Pain Through Stretching

You may be thinking that stretching is something that is only necessary for runners, gym goers, footballers…you get the idea. However, you’re wrong! We all need to stretch. Why? Well, stretching is vital in order to protect our mobility and our independence as we get...

Rest and Recovery to optimize your health goals

Rest and Recovery to optimize your health goals

How do rest days improve your health Allows time for recovery Rest is vital for muscle growth. But not all the time! When you exercise you create microscopic tears in your muscle tissues. However when you rest, cells known as fibroblasts repair those microscopic tears...

Understand your knee pain better

Understand your knee pain better

Knee pain is a pretty common problem that affects people of all ages, and most people will experience this at some point in their lifetime. Knee pain often stems from general wear and tear from daily activities, whether that be playing sports, walking, bending down or...

Understanding NHS wait times

Understanding NHS wait times

If you have ever been referred for treatment on the NHS, it is more than likely that you have experienced a wait-list. While this can be frustrating, wait list times can be expected when the public health system faces strains and shortages. Understanding the factors...