Rest and Recovery to optimize your health goals

Rest and Recovery to optimize your health goals

How do rest days improve your health Allows time for recovery Rest is vital for muscle growth. But not all the time! When you exercise you create microscopic tears in your muscle tissues. However when you rest, cells known as fibroblasts repair those microscopic tears...
Understand your knee pain better

Understand your knee pain better

Knee pain is a pretty common problem that affects people of all ages, and most people will experience this at some point in their lifetime. Knee pain often stems from general wear and tear from daily activities, whether that be playing sports, walking, bending down or...
Understanding NHS wait times

Understanding NHS wait times

If you have ever been referred for treatment on the NHS, it is more than likely that you have experienced a wait-list. While this can be frustrating, wait list times can be expected when the public health system faces strains and shortages. Understanding the factors...
The importance of range of motion

The importance of range of motion

You may have heard of the term ‘Range of Motion’ (ROM) being used during your knee rehab journey, and wondered why it is such an important aspect of your recovery? Well, if you’re new to this term, this blog is a fantastic starting point to discover what range...